Education and School Leadership Symposium 2015:
Save the Date
(Bildungs- und Schulleitungssymposium)
The next Education Symposium Switzerland and International School Leadership Symposium will take place on September 2-4, 2015 in Zug. Please save the date. We would be very happy if you are interested in participating in this venue. Further information will be sent later in November.
Below you find some first information:
1) Conference Theme
The Conference Theme 2015 is
«Excellence, Equality and Equity: Improving the Quality of Education for All»
You will find further information (which will be continuously updated) at:
2) Plenary and Parallel Programme
The theme will be dealt with in the plenary programme as well as in the parallel programme.
The parallel programme furthermore has the following strands:
- Classroom Development
- Staff Development
- Organization Development and Knowledge Management
- Quality Management
- Cooperation and System Leadership
- Diversity Management
- Health
- School Turnaround
- Professionalization of School Leaders
- Architecture and Education
- Culture and Education
You will find further information (which will be continuously updated) at:
3) Participants
You will find further information at:
4) Trailer
You will find a short video of the Symposium at:
5) Impressions of the former Symposia
You will find impressions (photos and videos) of the former Symposia at:
6) Call for Proposal
The Call for Proposals will go out at the end of November. The deadline for the submission of a proposal will be March 8, 2015.
You will soon find further information at:
7) Social, Cultural and Sightseeing Programme: Tour de Zoug and plenty further opportunities
Around the Symposium’s sessions, there will be a rich offer of social, cultural and sightseeing activities. We will have national and international artists.
For the first time, the conference dinner will present itself as a “Tour de Zoug” with three locations in the city of Zug to enjoy a great meal and entertainment programme.
You will soon find further information (which will be continuously updated) at:
8) Cooperations
The Symposium is hosted by the Institute for the Management and Economics of Education (IBB) of the University of Teacher Education Zug in cooperation with various partners. The Symposium will be supported by third-party funding and further regional, national and international partners.
The main partners are
the Association of School Leadership Switzerland,
the Association of School Leadership Germany and
the Association of Teachers Switzerland.
You will find further information (which will be continuously updated) at:
9) Advisory Board & Programme Committee
The preparation of the programme is supported by national and international experts in the fields of research, education administration, support systems, education practice, and foundations.
You will soon find further information (which will be continuously updated) at:
10) Registration
The registration for the conference is possible from end of November to June 30, 2015 and is organized in Cooperation with the publisher Carl Link – a brand of Wolters Kluwer Germany.
Please note that we offer a discount for participants who arrive from outside Switzerland.
You will soon find further information at:
11) Funding
Currently we clarify with foundations and sponsors, the EU and the Swiss Foundation for Federal Cooperation how and to what extent financial support for participation at the Symposium may be granted for young researchers and for participants from outside Switzerland.
You will soon find further information at:
12) Accommodation
Hotel accommodation for conference participants of the Symposium is available in Zug and its surroundings. Please note that special rates will only be available until the dates noted on the reservation form.
You will soon find further information at: